14 Oct, 2024 Art, Tech & Culture

Internet Tour

An in-person journey through the physical Internet infrastructure, a tourist route of non-touristic places

by Alex Saum-Pascual, Poet and Assoc Professor of Contemporary Spanish Literature and New Media, and Mario Santamaría, Visual Artist and Lecturer, BAU, College of Arts and Design of Barcelona. With the participation of Asma Kazmi, Research-Based Artist and Associate Professor of Art Practice, the Fall 2024 Class of Questioning New Media, and the Indigenous Poetics Lab at the Arts Research Center. Read more

12 Oct, 2023 Art, Tech & Culture

Internet Tour: Invisible Infrastructures and AI Hallucinations

An in-person journey through the physical Internet infrastructure, a tourist route of non-touristic places

with Alex Saum-Pascual, Digital Artist, Poet, and Associate Professor of Contemporary Spanish Literature and New Media, University of California, Berkeley; Mario Santamaría, Visual Artist and Lecturer, Elisava University, Barcelona; Jill Miller, Visual Artist and Assistant Professor, Department of Art Practice, University of California, Berkeley; Asma Kazmi, Research-Based Artist and Associate Professor, Department of Art Practice, University of California, Berkeley; Beth Piatote, Writer, Playwright, Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature, and Director of Arts Research Center, University of California, Berkeley Read more

17 Mar, 2023 Conference

The Past into the Future: Afrofuturism and Ancient Egypt

with Rita Lucarelli (UC Berkeley), Max Jefferson (UC Berkeley), Ytasha Womack (Chicago), Vorris Nunley (UC Riverside), Darryl Smith (UC Berkeley), John Jennings (UC Riverside), Stanford Carpenter (University of Chicago), Claudia Attimonelli (University of Bari, Italy), Dexter Story (UCLA), Luciana Parisi (Duke University), Abu Qadim Haqq, and more.  

Presented by Center of Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) with the support of the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA), Center for Science, Technology, Medicine and Society (CSTMS), the Berkeley Center for New Media (BCNM), the Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures (MELC), and the Italian Institute of Culture, San Francisco. Read more

12 Sep, 2022 Commons Conversations

Body Language: Sick and Disabled Crazy Femmes in Conversation

with Ra Malika Imhotep
Black feminist writer, performance artist, and scholar

and Caleb Luna
Artist and public scholar

Moderated by Miyuki Baker

with an introduction from BCNM's Director Gail De Kosnik

Co-presented with the Color of New Media Working Group and co-sponsored by the Arts Research Center, the Department of English, the Department of Ethnic Studies, the Department of Gender and Women's Studies, the Center for Race and Gender, and Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies Read more

16 Apr, 2020 History & Theory


*Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) precautions, this event has been moved to the online platform Zoom*

with Christiane Paul
Chief Curator / Director of the Sheila C. Johnson Design Center, Professor at The New School and Adjunct Curator of Digital Art at the Whitney Museum of American Art

Response from Claudia Schmuckli
Curator-in-Charge of Contemporary Art and Programming at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.

Co-sponsored by AutoLab, Arts + Design, the Arts Research Center, Art Practice, BAMPFA, and held in conjunction with the DH Faire. Read more

17 Apr, 2019

DH Fair: Building and Preserving Collections for Digital Humanities Research

This session will feature panelists building collections and tools for local digital humanities projects.

This event is sponsored by Digital Humanities at Berkeley, D-Lab, Arts + Design, Berkeley Center for New Media, the Center for Technology and Society at the Anti-Defamation League, Digital Humanities Working Group, the Library, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, and the Visual Resources Center.

04 Dec, 2012

Lo-Fi & Hi-Touch In The Age of Hi-Tech

A lecture by Scott Doorley, creative director of the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford

14 Nov, 2012

New Media Graduate Student Presentations

Three DE students (Theater, Performance, Dance Studies; New Media) will present their research this past semester. Read their fascinating presentation abstracts here