Impossible Hackathon
The Impossible Hackathon invites you to create an economy of kindness.
Come build software, hardware, models, presentations... whatever your heart desires. Meet fun people and win cool prizes!
We will supply wifi, food, an API, craft materials, a community of people to network and build with, plus a place to share ideas and be noticed by others/companies.
Since September, the public has been experimenting with an app that relies on the kindness of humankind. It's called impossible and it leverages the idea of a gift economy through social media to give & receive (skills, objects, advice...). Users interact by stating their hopes --such as a desire to #learn Spanish or to find a #jogging buddy -- and are matched to other impossible users who can grant those wishes based on their skills and proximity. Everything is for free and the only currency is an abundant one: 'thanks'.
On Saturday March 29th impossible in collaboration with the UC Berkeley Center for New Media will host a hackathon to celebrate the US launch of impossible. Joining us will be Lily Cole, actress and founder of impossible; Kwame Ferreira, social entrepreneur and CEO of Kwamecorp which has built impossible; Lisa Winter, roboticist and wearable maker; plus additional guests to be announced.
During the hackathon participants will form teams and design/build a concept that disseminates wishes to individuals through communities. Just as impossible is a platform for spreading wishes, the public is invited to create their own method of producing a gift economy, whether it be via quadcopter or an enhanced version of Impossible's app. Teams will present their inventions in front of the other participants and a panel of judges will pick winners. We will end the day with an awards ceremony and networking.
Read more about impossible and its origins in The Telegraph and Wired UK and of course, download it in the iTunes app store.
For more information on the day and to register to participate, visit our Impossible Hackathon Registration page. [link no longer available]
Please share: #impossiblehackathon @impossible
This event is sponsored by 3D Robotics, the Berkeley Center for New Media, Impossible, KwameCorp, and Swerve.