Resources: D-Lab

Looking to improve your coding skills? Need advice on your digital humanities project? D-Lab is a comprehensive resource on campus for all things data science.

D-Lab helps Berkeley faculty, staff, and students move forward with world-class research in data intensive social science. We think of data as an expansive category, one that is constantly changing as the research frontier moves. We offer a venue for methodological exchange from all corners of campus and across its bounds.

D-Lab provides cross-disciplinary resources for in-depth consulting and advising, access to staff support, and training and provisioning for software and other infrastructure needs. Networking with other Berkeley centers and facilities and with our departments and schools, we offer our services to researchers across the disciplines and underwrite the breadth of excellence of Berkeley’s graduate programs and faculty research. D-Lab builds networks through which Berkeley researchers can connect with users of social science data in the off-campus world.

D-Lab offers the following services to UC Berkeley students.


D-Lab offers free training workshops for all experience levels. These workshops are particularly helpful for students who are just starting out with data science and would like to acquire new skills.

Topics include:

  • Beginner introductions to coding languages, such as Python and R
  • More advanced boot camps on specific skills, such as data visualization and text analysis
  • Working with software tools, such as GitHub and Tableau
  • Research project workshops, such like applying for grants and navigating copyright

Workshops are offered nearly everyday. See the calendar and sign up here.


For students in the process of formulating and executing their own data science projects, D-Lab provides free consultations on projects at any stage. D-Lab consultants, whose areas of expertise range from Python to machine learning to licensing and copyright, can assist with research design, data analysis, data management, and related techniques and technologies.

Make an appointment with a consultant here.


Students interested in developing their research interests in collaboration with scholars across campus may wish to join a D-Lab working group. D-Lab is affiliated with a number of working groups including the Digital Humanities Working Group and the Berkeley Undergraduate Digital Humanities Association. These groups meet regularly to discuss ongoing projects, plan events, workshop academic work, develop new skills, and explore innovative research methods and tools.

See a full list of working groups and register for meetings here. [link no longer available] D-Lab also accepts proposals for new working groups.


Students looking to further their data science training and join D-Lab’s vibrant interdisciplinary community may apply to become Data Science Fellows. The Data Science Fellows Program is available to graduate students, advanced undergraduates, postdocs, and visiting scholars from all disciplines.

These yearlong fellowships offer hands-on opportunities to sharpen and apply one’s data science skills through participating in D-Lab’s research projects, teaching training workshops, working as a D-Lab consultant, and joining D-Lab working groups.

Apply for the Data Science Fellows Program here. [link no longer available]