Academics: Graduate Opportunities

We are pleased to support our graduate students in their UC Berkeley experience! Here are the opportunities the BCNM provides!

Interested in our Designated Emphasis for Ph.D. students, find out more about the program here! Completing a Masters? You can receive the Certificate in New Media — more information here!

Research Support

Lyman Fellowship:

The Peter Lyman Graduate Fellowship in new media, established in the memory of esteemed UC Berkeley Professor Peter Lyman, provides a $6,000 summer stipend to a UC Berkeley Ph.D. candidate to support the writing of his or her Ph.D. dissertation on a topic related to new media. The fellowship is supported by donations from Professor Barrie Thorne, Sage Publications and many individual friends and faculty. Open to all Ph.D. students. More information here.

Summer Research Fellowships:

The Berkeley Center for New Media offers $1,000 in summer research support to its doctoral and certificate students. The Summer Research fellowship is awarded annually to five candidates. Open to all BCNM graduate students. More information here.

Conference Grant Support:

We’re proud to support our students as they share their scholarship across the globe. Each semester, the BCNM is able to offer a small subsidy for students attending the premiere conferences in their fields. To be eligible to apply, students must be presenting a paper or poster on their research at a professional conference. Grant amounts depend on the location of the conference and the number of applications received. More information here.

Undergraduate Research Support:

Each year, graduate students have the opportunity to apply for undergraduate research assistance. We select two-three projects and fund a research assistant to support the graduate's work. The graduate student also receives $500 for their mentoring. More information here.


  • Every April, graduate students have the opportunity to apply for cubicle space in SDH. Application materials are sent to all BCNM graduate students.
  • Graduate students can also reserve the BCNM Commons for office hours and research meetings. Use this link [link no longer available] to book the space and don't forget to email Lara (lara [​at​] at least a week in advance to ensure you have keycard access!

Teaching Opportunities

  • We hire three to five GSIs each year to support our faculty teaching. Calls go out to students early in the Fall and Spring for the following semester.
  • Our graduate students can also offer summer session courses under NWMEDIA. Please contact Lara (lara [​at​] early in the Fall if interested.


  • We are affiliated with several working groups across campus, including the New Media Working Group and the Color of New Media Working Group. For more information, please head to our Working groups page!
  • Our graduate students also have the opportunity to serve on our Executive Committee and help shape the future of our programs.
  • We offer our Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium, and History and Theory of New Media Lecture Series each year, as well as additional symposia. Our graduate students receive reserved seats and are invited to attend speaker dinners.
  • Our faculty cross schools and divisions across campus and are available to offer interdisciplinary advice and mentoring.


Contact Lara Wolfe at lara [​at​]