23 Dec, 2022

Ken Goldberg and AutoLab Featured in IEOR Magazine

U.C. Berkeley robotics professor and chief scientist at Ambi Robotics Ken Goldberg and AUTOLAB were featured in the department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research magazine (IEOR). From the magazine:

"Ken Goldberg and AUTOLAB are designing innovative algorithms to help robots solve challenges in manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, and other industries, and they are winning prestigious awards for their research along the way.

The IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) awarded its Best Paper Award to Goldberg and his AUTOLAB team (M. Preston, R. Parikh, S. Aeron, Mukherjee, S. Sharma, M. Theis, and W. Teitelbaum) for their impactful research, "Automated Pruning of Polyculture Plants."

In their paper, Goldberg and authors present the first-ever system capable of autonomously running plants in a polyculture setting, allowing the inherent benefits of polyculture farming to emerge free from the challenging manual labor...."

To read the full article, Click Here!