01 Feb, 2020

Conference Grants: Rebecca Levitan on the Digital Futures of Ancient Objects

Rebecca Levitan received a Fall 2019 BCNM Conference Grant to help cover her costs attending annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America in Washington DC. Levitan ran a workshop on "The Digital Futures of Ancient Objects: Discussing Next Steps for Collaborative Digital Humanities Projects." Read more about her experience in her own words below.

On Saturday, January 4th, I co-ran a workshop at the annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, which took place in Washington D.C. The workshop was titled “The Digital Futures of Ancient Objects: Discussing Next Steps for Collaborative Digital Humanities Projects,” and focused on recent work and projects which leveraged digital tools in the study of classical antiquity and the itineraries of ancient objects. My co-organizer was Stephanie Grimes, a colleague from the Getty-funded Ancient Itineraries Institute which ran from 2018-2019.

Five projects were presented by seven presenters, including graduate students, post-docs, and tenured professors. These were grouped into three themes: ceramics, movement and object itineraries, and texts. After brief presentations of their respective projects, the speakers then divided into two groups for further discussion and workshopping with members of the audience. One of the most productive outcomes was the idea of creating an interest group within the AIA, which would hopefully provide a venue for discussion and collaboration and a place where classical scholars can keep up to date with each-other’s digital projects