Alum Jen Schradie Interviewed in Vox
Sean Illing from Vox interviewed alum Jen Schradie on "Why conservatives are winning the internet." Jen's new book The Revolution That Wasn't: How Digital Activism Favors Conservatives (Harvard University Press) argues that technology is "not only failing to level the playing field for activists, it’s actually making things worse by “creating a digital activism gap.” The differences in power and organization have undercut working-class movements and bolstered authoritarian groups."
From the interview:
The simple answer is that conservatives are more likely to have more resources and to take advantage of that. The other is that they’re more likely to have hierarchical infrastructures that make it easier to engage the digital labor that’s needed to promote online activism. In other words, they tend to have more top-down organizations, and that’s just a more efficient way to distribute labor and get the message out.
Read the full interview here!