26 May, 2023

How Parenting Tech Opens the Door to State Surveillance by Hannah Zeavin

Hannah recently wrote a piece for WIRED on "How Parenting Tech Opens the Door to State Surveillance". The article explores the history and implications of parental surveillance technologies, focusing on baby monitors. It discusses the initial development of baby monitors in response to parental fears and highlights the class-based suspicions that drove their creation. Hannah then examines the evolution of parenting tech, including the rise of monitoring devices marketed to affluent consumers and linked to law enforcement. It raises concerns about privacy, false positives, and collaboration with state forces.

The article also addresses the use of surveillance methods like nanny cams to exert control over domestic workers and the intersection of parental anxiety, tech access, and societal prejudices. It highlights the extension of surveillance technologies beyond the home, such as through smart home systems and partnerships with law enforcement. The article concludes by emphasizing the unintended consequences of these technologies, including increased vulnerability and parental distress, and raises concerns about the intertwining of parental and state surveillance.

To Read The Full Article: Click Here!