27 Feb, 2020

BCNM at AERA 2020

The American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting will take place this year on April 17-21, 2020 in San Francisco. We are so pleased and proud to have strong BCNM representation at this meeting!

From the AERA website:

Each year, the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting is the world’s largest gathering of education researchers and a showcase for groundbreaking, innovative studies in an array of areas. Join us at the Moscone Center, April 17-21, 2020, for five rewarding days of ideas, engagement, networking, and professional advancement.

This year BCNM students Leah Rosenbaum and Jessica Adams and alumni Jenni Higgs and Amy Koehler Catterson will present their latest research and work.

Read on below for the fantastic panels that you can attend!

Professional Development for Leaders in Early Childhood STEM Education: A Collaboration Between Researchers and Practitionersa

BCNM student Leah Rosenbaum will be presenting findings from her STEM education study along with Alexis Deidre Spina (UC Santa Barbara), Meghan Macias (UC Santa Barbara), Jim Gribble (UC Santa Barbara), Brittany Caldwell (UC Santa Cruz), and Paul Reimer (AIMS Center for Math and Science Education).

From the study abstract:

Previous literature has documented the importance of engaging young children in early mathematics through play-based instruction, which can lead to lasting differences in their understanding of mathematical concepts. (NAEYC & NCTM Position Statement, 2010; Piasta, et al., 2015). Educators need professional development that provides tools and pedagogical content knowledge in order to achieve this goal. While the literature regarding effective professional development is extensive, incorporating the needs of the participants from the beginning is an area under-researched (Garet et al., 2001). This study is grounded in Desimone’s (2009) framework for effective professional development; using this framework, we examine collaboration amongst researchers and practitioners advancing an early childhood mathematics professional development that draws on the self-reported needs of the participants.

The Impact of Knowing: Toward Critical Digital Agency via Student-Facing Analytics

BCNM student Jessica Adams will be presenting her research findings on big data and media with Devanshi Unadkat (UC Berkeley) and Glynda A. Hull (UC Berkeley).

From the study abstract:

Not long ago the advent of social media was greeted with uncritical enthusiasm, but today the tide has turned, as societies, organizations, industries and individuals come to grips with unexpected threats to privacy, identity, and truth. In the context of higher education, universities’ fascination with data mining and predictive analytics has likewise given way to concerns about ethical challenges surrounding big data (Johnson, 2014). We explore in our research, which included both building an app and assessing students’ uses of it, how the potential of data analytics might be harnessed by students themselves.

Designing for Learning Talk Across Digital and Face-to-Face Settings in a Secondary English Classroom

BCNM alum Jenni Higgs (UC Davis) will be showcasing her research on "digital discourse" in the classroom.

From the study abstract:

With the popularity of interactive technologies in K-12 spaces, many teachers are adopting digital discourse—defined as written communication via signs and symbols in online spaces that is characterized by interactivity—as a potentially generative form of classroom communication. However, the relation between learning and digital discourse is less clear. This study reports on a three-month design-based research collaboration with a secondary English teacher that aimed to encourage dialogic discourse across face-to-face discussions and digital discussions embedded in an interactive e-reader. Findings suggested connections between digital and nondigital discursive practices that influenced collaborative meaning making opportunities among students, as changing practices around digital discourse required a reorganization of rules and tasks in both digital and face-to-face learning environments.

Co-Teaching in K–12 Classrooms: The Promise and Potential of Small-Group Workshops

BCNM alum Amy Koehler Catterson (Alder Graduate School of Education) will be presenting her research on K-12 classrooms with Kathryn Goddard (Alder Graduate School of Education).

From the study abstract:

This paper reports the results of a co-teaching intervention in which teacher candidates lowered teacher: student ratio by leading small-group workshops based on student need. This study was conducted in a teacher residency program, and contributes to research literature that evaluates the effects of co-teaching practices on K-12 student learning. The results of our mixed-method research suggest the promise and potential of small-group workshops in co-taught classrooms. A multilevel model of K-12 students’ formative assessment scores predicts a significant positive increase in scores at the time of the intervention. Video analysis of small-group instruction provides evidence that teacher candidates in our sample have promising ability in mathematical teaching practices, and identifies teacher questioning as a site for future intervention.