Adventures in New Media
The Center for New Media was thrilled to host a unique salon on Thursday, September 11th. The invite-only event gave participants the chance to connect with artists, technologists, and theorists at the forefront of developments in new media. Meyer Sound Laboratories generously hosted the Center in their exquisite Pearson Theater — a cinema built as a floating structure so that low frequencies reach the audience not only through the air, but also through the structure itself.
Audience members began the night networking over fresh-made tacos and burritos from the marvelous team at El Paisa Taqueria and wine from the local biodynamic Benziger Winery. Michael Cohen was on hand to show off his power grid building video game Griddle. Participants then adjourned for music from former BCNM Susan Miller Fellow Ashley Bellouin and Laura Steenberge, a presentation by Director Greg Niemeyer, the Eisner award winning film #MyFirstMOOC by John Scott, and a dance performance by Naomi Bragin, with live sampled and mixed music by Rama Gottfried. After this amazing showcase, attendees enjoyed further conversation over Crixa cakes and coffee.
Thanks to the incredible volunteers that made the event possible: Joanna Chow, Danielle Christianson, Nick Gutierrez, Chris Hall, Andrea Horbinski, Mercedes Li, Kate Mattingly, and Valkyrie Savage.
Check out photos from the night below!