Jenni Higgs on Digital Discourse in Classrooms
BCNM alum Jenni Higgs recently published an article titled "Digital Discourse in Classrooms: Language Arts Teachers’ Reported Perceptions and Implementation" in the August 2020 edition of Research in the Teaching of English.
From the abstract:
Research has established the central role of high-quality discussion, and particularly dialogic exchange, in the developing understandings of readers and writers. With the popularity of col-laborative digital technologies in K–12 spaces, many teachers are adopting digital discourse—defined as written communication via signs and symbols in online spaces that is characterized by interactivity—as a potentially generative form of classroom communication. However, how teachers understand and use digital discourse as a teaching and learning tool is not entirely clear. Drawing on data from a national teacher survey and qualitative data from a high school English class, this study examined teachers’ reported understandings and uses of digital discourse to support language arts instruction.
Read the entire article here!