19 Jun, 2018

Eric Paulos at On-Body Interaction at Dagstuhl

Eric Paulos traveled to Germany this past May 21 – 24 as an invited participant at a prestigious Dagstuhl Seminar, "On-Body Interaction: Embodied Cognition Meets Sensor/Actuator Engineering to Design New Interfaces."

Organized by Kasper Hornbaek (University of Copenhagen, DK), David Kirsh (University of California – San Diego, US), Joseph A. Paradiso (MIT – Cambridge, US), and Jürgen Steimle (Universität des Saarlandes, DE), the conference had allowed a highly international group of scholars to collaborate, with participants hailing from Germany, Austria, Australia, Great Britain, Taiwan, Denmark, Canada, and the US.

From the website: Research on embodied cognition suggests that the body should no longer be treated as a passive actuator of input devices but as something that needs to be carefully designed for and as something that offers unique new possibilities in interaction. Embodied cognition has become a prominent candidate for outlining what we can and cannot do in on-body interaction. Research on interactive technologies for the body is opening up new avenues for human-computer interaction, by contributing body-based sensing input and output modalities with more body compatible form factors. Together, these areas allow the design and implementation of new user interfaces; however, they are rarely in direct contact with each other.

Find out more about the seminar and the findings here.