UUU (Unbounded Unleashed Unforgiving: Reconsidering Cyberfeminism in 2021) recently opened online, featuring work by BCNM's own Alex Saum-Pascual and Jill Miller, along with an artist talk by Jill! The UUU virtual exhibition was made in collaboration with New Art City, the College Art Association, and the New Media Caucus, and is curated by Mel Clemmons and Liss LaFleur.
Check out the interactive, virtual exhibition here! [link no longer available]
Alex presented "Red Emoji Heart." Red Emoji Heart (2016) is part of Alex Saum’s #SELFIEPOETRY_Women&Capitalism digital poetry series. It explores the intersection between the Self and its most contemporary representation (i.e., the selfie) within a variety of intermingled structures (cultural, sexual, neoliberal), as these are experienced in the Web. As such, this poem was a precarious and distributed experience built and stored in the now disappeared NewHive, and just like the platform, died in 2018. Enjoy its ruins.
Jill presented "My Mother's Titanium Hip." Miller examines her mother’s unexpected death during the pandemic through the lens of “everyday” quarantine life, where everything happens through digitally mediated experiences.Temporalities shift between the virtual and the real, the past and the present, the dreamy and the distressing. The landscape is unstable and fantastical: error messages interrupt video transmissions and the coronavirus appears on a conference call. The artist’s struggle to locate her mother in the afterlife manifests in a 3D model of the titanium hip she received after her mother’s cremation. What is real and what is simulacra?