
Black Feminist Theory Study Atlas Co-created by Malika Imhotep Now Available

06 Jul, 2019

Black Feminist Theory Study Atlas Co-created by Malika Imhotep Now Available

The Black Feminist Study Theory Atlas, co-created by Malika Imhotep, is the culmination of 12 months of Black Feminist Study. The book includes full color spreads of theory maps and invocations for 12 different Black Feminist Thinkers. Priced on a sliding scale, this incredible work should definitely be on your shelves.

Order your copy here!

The Theory Atlas was created by the Church of Black Feminist Thought, an effort to share citations in more accessible ways, and to surface all the hidden labor done by black feminist artists, scholars, and writers. From their description: "While much of our academic work is suspended in long publishing timelines and hard-to-decipher language, we believe that bringing the words of black feminist thinkers into conversation in physical space, then translating our collective ruminations into visual storytelling and illustration will nourish and support many."

From a description of the genesis of this work:

In preparation for each month, we (Miyuki and Malika) generate a portrait of the thinker and a written invocation. During the gatherings, we provide local artists a space to reflect on sources and themes that may enrich their personal projects along with strengthening a collective sense of intellectual community. Our intended audience encompasses and extends this community of artists, thinkers, and learners. We hope that the publication of our culminating Theory Atlas (pre-order a copy above) will allow the magic of our convenings to reach even more artists and that they might be used as a teaching tool that broadens the canon of Black Feminist Thought while exploring the potentiality of the intersection of visual art and critical theory.