19 Dec, 2018

William Morgan at UNSW Law

On December 1st, an article entitled “Big Data’s Accursed Share: Locating Waste in the Infosphere,” was presented earlier this month at the UNSW Law workshop, Making Waste, Talking Trash. William Morgan hopes to continue this work with an art installation in 2020.

Read below to see what William Morgan had to share on his work:

This article will attempt to think e-waste as the necessary excess that makes the information society thinkable, but is itself almost entirely hidden from view. The second project is an artistic installation I hope to build for the 2020 “Art's Work in the Age of Biotechnology Exhibit.” The installation will bring forth a speculative bioinformatic environment designed to awaken in spectators an “epigenomic consciousness” that seeks to understand biotechnology’s effects on everyday life and not as confined to the laboratory setting. This work represents my desire to combine theoretical research about new media with an art and design practice that Jill Miller has inspired me to think more about.

From the conference website:

Understanding waste as an information technology, this workshop invites a rethinking of the relation between data (information, knowledge, value) and waste (junk, trash, spam). It aims to bring together a small group of scholars, from a range of disciplines, and to provide a platform for discussion, reflection and exchange and the generation of new lines of inquiry. By taking waste as a subject matter for discussion in the study of information and communications technology – digital technologies in particular – this workshop seeks to prompt conversation about the normative, distributional, constitutive, and associational dimensions of data production, formatting, storage, archiving, transfer, analysis, use, deletion and erasure.