Akemi Nagashiki on the Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Akemi Nagashiki was mentored by Haripriya Sathyanaryanan on graduate level research as a BCNM Undergraduate Research Fellow. As part of this project, Akemi worked on Haripriya's project on spatial design in pediatric healthcare spaces. In her own words:
"Through the Berkeley Center for New Media Undergraduate Research Fellowship, I worked closely with Haripriya Sathyanarayanan on Immersive Virtual Environments. This research project uses virtual reality integrated with biosensors to provide knowledge on spatial design in pediatric healthcare spaces. I worked on creating a VR gallery of different healthcare environments for photo-elicitation and helped integrate VR hospital spaces with interactions to create an immersive experience with biosensor data using Unity and scripting. This experience gave me more insight on the thought processes and analytical mindset that goes into research and designing an experiment. It also granted me the opportunity to expand my knowledge in Unity, improve my scripting skills, and work in a collaborative environment that fostered growth."