11 Jun, 2015

Ken Goldberg at Brain Bar Budapest

Ken Goldberg, professor of Computer Science and Executive Committee member at BCNM, was invited to speak at Brain Bar, Budapest, a global festival focusing on tech and humanity.

The event series features a diverse offering of presentations, debates, and panel discussions, focusing on themes such as the complexity of the relationships between human labor and robotics, mass urbanization and the rural lifestyle, or even singularity and religion. The festival’s main driving forces are dialogue and group brainstorming. Besides leading experts, decision makers and opinion leaders, the challengers of the status quo - entrepreneurs and students - also take part.

Ken offered a keynote address in the Tech vs Humanity: the Future of Us program. He explored the ethical questions raised by the advance of robotics, including whether we are becoming different human beings, where the boundary between humanity, tech and religion is and who gets to decide. He later debated these issues with author and professor Steve Fuller and Orthodox Rabbi Köves Slomó.
