10 Feb, 2015

Alex Saum-Pascual

About Alex

Alexandra Saum-Pascual is Assistant Professor of Spanish at the University of California, Berkeley, where she teaches Post Civil-War and Contemporary Spanish Literature and Culture (20th and 21st Centuries). She teaches a broad range of courses on Spanish culture and literature, combining the study of literary texts with other cultural products of the 20th and 21st centuries. She has taught courses exploring the role of media on the construction of the Spanish imaginary, the impact of television shows and their adaptation of social realists works, and the role of theater, popular music, or the Web and social media as means of social protest. Her current research and teaching is particularly focused on Electronic Literature written in Spanish and Portuguese. Relating to this, and in collaboration with Berkeley’s Doe library and the BCNM, she is curating a pioneering Electronic Literature exhibit that will highlight historical legacies of Hispanic experimentalism in contemporary digital literature—undergraduate help welcomed!

The Trace of the Digital

Professor Saum-Pascual is currently completing her first monograph, The Trace of the Digital: Post-Web Literature in Spain, an interdisciplinary study on the influence of electronic writing technologies on both printed and born-digital books. By applying a methodological scope coming from the fields of New Media and Electronic Literature, she offers a unique contribution to the field of Digital Humanities in Spanish, and to Spanish literary and cultural studies overall. Her work has been published in The Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, The Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies, and Caracteres: Estudios culturales y críticos de la esfera digital, among others.

Find out more information at her site here!