07 Mar, 2019

Roger Antonsen and Greg Niemeyer's Network Paradox in Oslo

In Norway this March? Don't miss Greg Niemeyer (Art Practice) and Roger Antonsen present their year-long collaborative creative research into network dynamics for their Network Paradox exhibit in San Francisco and for Quantopia with DJ Spooky. On Tuesday, March 26th from 7:00 — 8:30 pm at the Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo, they will focus on their interactive research tool, the Network Simulation.

Kunstnernes Hus is one of Norway's most important display venues and mediators of contemporary art, seeking to be a conscious social actor responsible for protecting artistic freedom of expression and the place of art in the public. With exhibitions, films, conversations, concerts, lectures and seminars, they are a living arena for artistic interdisciplinary activity, conversations and debate.

This work was partially funded by the Peder Sather Grant. The Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study supports projects carried out by researchers at UC Berkeley in collaboration with researchers from nine Norwegian universities.