12 Oct, 2020

Claudia von Vacano on Building STEAM for DH and Electronic Literature

BCNM’s very own Claudia von Vacano, in collaboration with Evan Muzzal, Adam G. Anderson, Jonathan Reeve and Tom van Nuenen recently published their article, “Building STEAM for DH and Electronic Literature: An Educational Approach to Nurturing the STEAM Mindset in Higher Education” on the Electronic Book Review! Their article advocates turning STEM into STEAM, bringing Arts/Humanities into Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

From article:

In this article, we advocate for a new kind of renaissance person, a humanistic data scientist capable of profound cultural analysis and critique. A person able to critique from deep within the technical infrastructure and someone who understands an age-old wisdom within the humanities—that knowledge is always a pursuit and never a completed journey. This journey requires an ever-expanding methodological repertoire to evaluate and understand (and seek solutions for) an increasingly complex and dystopic world. At the same time, our pedagogical approaches encourage experiential learning that engages all of the senses and ignites the imagination. If we can dream it, we can build it.

A revitalized Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts/Humanities, and Mathematics (STEAM) approach to Digital Humanities (DH) drives our pedagogy and research with an emphasis on creative potential as a catalyst for scientific learning and to cultivate expansive mindsets that enable transcending disciplinary boundaries.

To read the full article click here!