12 Feb, 2020

Malika Imhotep on Cite Black Women Podcast

As part of Cite Black Women's graduate student spotlight, host Imani Wadud interviews one of BCNM's own DE students, Malika Imhotep, and her co-covener of The Church of Black Feminist Thought, Miyuki Baker.

Throughout the duration of the episode, Imhotep and Baker talked about how they met — through a New Media graduate seminar with Director Gail De Kosnik, "Theorizing Popular Culture," here at UC Berkeley — and when they decided to collaborate. Hoping to rely on Baker's visual articulation and Imhotep's verbal acuity, they aspired to honor black feminism in a way that was both "beautiful and accessible."

They also discussed radical placemaking and placekeeping, contextualized with their publication, The Black Feminist Study Theory Atlas​, and a subsequent exhibition dedicated to giving platform and space to local, black femme artists.

Listen to the full podcast episode here.

To learn more about The Church of Black Feminist Thought, visit blackfeministstudy.org.