Special Events
13 Sep, 2016

Undergraduate Certificate in New Media Information Session

BCNM invites interested undergraduates to join faculty, grads, and current students for a lunch where we'll discuss the exciting courses, fellowships, and mentoring opportunities the undergraduate certificate in new media offers. With classes ranging from making sense of cultural data in the digital humanities, to studio based design workshops on critical practices and curatorial design, to electronic literature and the philosophy behind software aesthetics, the Berkeley Center for New Media introduces students to the rigorous innovations in technology from multi-disciplinary critical perspectives. Join us and see how you can build a foundation in new media by engaging in cutting-edge scholarship and public programming! For more information on the requirements for the undergraduate certificate in new media, check out our online guide [link no longer available]. For examples of the research our undergraduates have been able to perform at the BCNM, visit our Undergraduate Research Fellowships.

The Berkeley Center for New Media aims to analyze and shape developments in new media through critical theory, critical practice, and innovation. We study how we use emerging technologies to forge innovative means of expression from multidisciplinary and global perspectives, and examine the risks of, and opportunities for new media to influence human interactions in the contexts of science, law, democracy, education, and art. BCNM is a magnet for rigorous scholars at UC Berkeley who challenge conventional thinking through collaboration. Our researchers make, break, and recreate media objects, processes, and ideas to grapple with the question of what makes us real.

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