New Collaborative Application Design Class!
NWMEDIA 190-001/290-005: Special Topics
Credit: 3 Units
Time: Friday 2-5 PM
Location: 340 Moffitt
Instructor: Dan Gillette
This course offers students from across the disciplines the unique opportunity to work on the design and development of a novel college readiness web application and other web tools geared towards helping improve access to college for underserved students.
Undergraduates and graduates with experience in programming, web application development, graphic design, and interaction design, as well as those with backgrounds in social justice, business, marketing, and education are invited to participate in this studio class led by an interdisciplinary team of industry professionals.
Students that complete the course will receive both course credit as well as name credit in the final application/code to be released by the University of California’s Office of the President (UCOP).
This course is offered with the support of CITRIS and the Educational Partnerships Office at UCOP.
Contact the instructor Dan Gillette for more information at