22 Jul, 2022

Fall 2022 BCNM Events

Image from Ken Ueno

Mark your calendars for this incredible line up of speakers! Featuring BCNM poet alums Ra Malika Imhotep and Caleb Luna, UCB Professor of Music Ken Ueno, Indigenous Technologies, and more!

Monday, August 29
5 — 6:30 PM | Register here. [link no longer available]
Pua Case on Mauna Kea
Pua Case, Kumu Hula, teacher, and aloha 'aina protector
moderated by Talia Dixon
Presented as a part of BCNM’s Indigenous Technologies initiative and the Art, Technology and Culture Colloquium and History and Theory of New Media Lecture Series. Co-sponsored by the American Indian Graduate Program, the Arts Research Center, the Department of Ethnic Studies, Media Studies, The Center for Race and Gender, and Native American Studies.

Monday, September 12
4:00 — 5:30 PM | Register here. [link no longer available]
Body Language: Sick and Disabled Crazy Femmes in Conversation
Ra Malika Imhotep, Black feminist writer, performance artist, and scholar;
and Caleb Luna, Artist and public scholar
Presented as a part of BCNM’s Commons Conversations, in collaboration with the Color of New Media Working Group. Co-sponsored by the Arts Research Center, the Department of English, the Department of Ethnic Studies, the Department of Gender and Women's Studies, the Center for Race and Gender, and Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies

Monday, September 19
4:00 — 5:30 PM | Register here. [link no longer available]
Towards the Un-Corseting of Non-Western Bodies
Ken Ueno, Composer, vocalist, improviser, sound artist, and Professor of Music, UC Berkeley
moderated by Ritwik Banerji
Presented as a part of BCNM’s Commons Conversations and co-sponsored by the Department of Ethnic Studies.

Monday, October 17
5:00 — 6:30 PM | Register here. [link no longer available]
A Minor Cybernetic Hypothesis
Kelli Moore
, Assistant Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University
moderated by Hannah Zeavin
Presented as part of BCNM's History and Theory of Media Lecture series, co-sponsored by Media Studies and the Department of Rhetoric.

Monday, October 31
5:00 — 6:30 PM | Register here. [link no longer available]
Digital Platforms and Ancient African Knowledge Systems: Triumphs and Vulnerabilities
Gloria Emeagwali
, Professor of History and African Studies, Central Connecticut State University
Presented as a part of BCNM’s Indigenous Technologies initiative and History and Theory of New Media Lecture Series. Co-sponsored by The American Indian Graduate Program, the Arts Research Center, the Department of Ethnic Studies, The School of Information, Media Studies, Native American Studies, and The Center for Race and Gender.

Monday, November 7
5:00 — 6:30 PM | Register here. [link no longer available]
Animating Cities Digitally: Processing Urban Space and Time
Gillian Rose
, Visiting Scholar in Department of Geography; Professor, School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford
Moderated by Emma Fraser
Presented as part of BCNM's History and Theory of Media Lecture series, co-sponsored by the Department of Geography and Media Studies.

For more on our lecture series: [links no longer available]

2022-2023 History and Theory of New Media Series
2022-2023 Arts, Technology, and Culture Colloquium
BCNM's Indigenous Technologies Initiative


All of BCNM's events are free and open to the public. All of our Fall events with the exception of Gillian Rose's event will take place virtually over Zoom with a simultaneous livestream on BCNM’s YouTube Channel. Our broadcasts will be live-captioned, and our Zoom Webinar experience offers an additional Streamtext window with options to customize caption text size and display. Please contact info.bcnm [at] berkeley.edu with requests or questions.

With the consent of featured speakers, all recorded videos will be available on the BCNM YouTube channel immediately after the event and event transcripts will be posted to this page one month after the event. We strive to meet any additional access and accommodation needs.

BCNM is proud to make conversations with leading scholars, artists, and technologists freely available to the public. Please help us continue this tradition by making a tax-deductible donation today. If you are in the position to support the program, we suggest $5 per event, or $100 a year.