
Clancy Wilmott Receives Graduate Assembly Faculty Mentorship Award

24 May, 2023

Clancy Wilmott Receives Graduate Assembly Faculty Mentorship Award

The UC Berkeley Graduate Assembly Faculty Mentor Award honors members of the Berkeley faculty and teaching staff who have shown an outstanding commitment to mentoring, advising, and supporting graduate students.

Our very own Clancy Wilmott received this award this year! Clancy is the amazing faculty instructor for such BCNM core classes as NWMEDIA 205: Locative Media, and the lead of studio.geo?, an experimental geographic research, teaching and design studio. The studio is a non-exclusive space and welcomes all thinkers and creators from across the Arts, Humanities and STEM, at all stages (Faculty, graduate, undergraduate), and at all levels (pro or novice) to work across maps and media to produce critical and collaborative geographic work focused on the question of how we represent our worlds.