02 Jul, 2015

Tech Award Dispatches: Bonnie Ruberg

This year, the BCNM awarded five new media graduate students with technology services and training awards to help them fund the support they need to further their research agendas. Here's what Bonnie Ruberg gained from the experience!

Thanks to support from the BCNM technology award, I had the opportunity to attend the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) at the University of Victoria. While at DHSI, I took part in a one-week, intensive course that explored the intersection of feminism and the digital humanities. Students in the course were also encouraged to experiment with coding languages like Processing and hands-on maker tools like the Arduino. As part of the DHSI colloquium, I presented a talk on my work with Berkeley's Color of New Media collective, through which I have been researching the social functions of homophobic Twitter hashtags. I made a number of exciting new connections with other scholars, and, with two new collaborators, ran an unconference session on queerness and the Digital Humanities. I am returning to Berkeley with new skills, both critical and creative, to share with my peers and students.