
BCNM's Coye Cheshire Awarded NSF Grant

09 Aug, 2013

BCNM's Coye Cheshire Awarded NSF Grant

BCNM Graduate Adviser and Berkeley School of Information Associate Professor Coye Cheshire was awarded a $207,000 grant by the National Science Foundation for his project "Agency, Structure, and Organization: Paths to Participation in Large-Scale Socio-Technical Systems.” He will be the Principal Investigator in this study.

Coye will study socio-technical systems and social participation by investigating how system design, structure and agency are associated with different paths to participation in technology-mediated social participation (TMSP) systems. Through longitudinal surveys, behavioral log data, and field experiments, Coye will establish the relationships between structural and organizational designs that facilitate collective outcomes and paths to participation. The project seeks to foster increased public participation in TMSP systems, and will encourage cross-disciplinary, cross-campus collaboration, by connecting scholars from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds, to study and advance TMSP research.

Given the rise of new media in facilitating fresh means of exchange, we are excited to learn of the results of Coye’s research!