21 Feb, 2019

BCNM at SCMS 2019

The Society for Cinema and Media Studies' annual conference takes place this year March 13-17, 2019 in Seattle. We are so pleased to have such an incredible contingent representing BCNM at this forum. The conference seeks to promote the field of cinema and media studies among its practitioners, to other disciplines, and to the public at large, in part through public recognition of award worthy achievements and other significant milestones in the field.

This year our Designated Emphasis students Beth Bird, Harry Burson, Miyoko Conley, KC Forcier, and Tory Jeffay, will join faculty Abigail De Kosnik, Jacob Gaboury, and Kristen Whissel, and alumni Brooke Belisle, Alenda Chang, Kris Fallon, David Humphrey, and Bonnie Ruberg in presenting their work.

Read on below for the incredible panels you can attend!

Media In/And Spaces

Chair: Tim Anderson, Old Dominion University
Kaitlin Forcier, University of California, Berkeley, “Endless Images: Looped Media, Digital Temporality, and the Gallery”
Tim Anderson, Old Dominion University, “Encountering Counter Publics at the Record Counter: A History of US Self-Service Record Retail and Mediated Publics”
Daniel D'Amore, Harvard University, “Mapping, or an Ecological Approach to Listening to New Music America 1986”
Heather Birdsall, University of California, Los Angeles, “Looking Into the Eyes of Mara: Kinetic Narratives in Disneyland’s Indiana Jones Adventure”

Early Contributions in Sound and Vision

Chair: Meredith Bak, Rutgers University
Meredith Bak, Rutgers University, “Animating Play: Early Cinema, Toy History, and Schoenhut’s Humpty Dumpty Circus
Beth Corzo-Duchardt, Lafayette College, “A Dialectic of Mobility and Stasis: The Poster Image in Early Cinema”
Allain Daigle, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, “Spectacular Visions: E. Krauss and the Emergence of Cinematic Lenses in Paris”
Harry Burson, University of California, Berkeley, “Stereo in the 19th Century: Space, Audition, and the Théatrophone”

Roundtable: Hidden Histories: Researching Feminized and Delegitimated Media

Chair: Erin Meyers, Oakland University
Elana Levine, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, “The Archival Richness of the Daytime TV Soap Opera”
Allison McCracken, DePaul University, “Precarious Archives: Preserving Pop Music Fandom”
Abigail De Kosnik, University of California, Berkeley, “The Lost and Vulnerable Archives of Female Fans”
Diana W. Anselmo, Georgia State University, “Early Film Queer Audiences and Personal Archives”
Erin Meyers, Oakland University, “Only in Us!: Celebrity Gossip as Ephemeral Media”

Asian American Media from the Production Code to K-Pop

Chair: Marian Sciachitano, Washington State University
Philippa Gates, Wilfrid Laurier University, “Censoring Race and Racism: The Production Code Administration and Hollywood’s Chinese Americans”
Megan Hermida Lu, Boston University, “The American Butterfly: Reflections of the Other and Self in Film Adaptations of ‘Madame Butterfly’”
Nabeeha Chaudhary, The University of Texas at Austin, “Women, Agency and Migration: The Pakistan Portrayed in ‘Jackson Heights’”
Miyoko Conley, University of California, Berkeley, “Designing a K-pop Audience: Asian American Performance in KPOP the Musical”

Historicizing Digitization: Practices, Interfaces, and Peripherals

Chair: David Murphy, Ryerson University
Melanie Swalwell, Swinburne University of Technology, "The Digital Handmade: Forgotten digital-analogue hybrids from 1980s creative microcomputing"
Jacob Gaboury, University of California, Berkeley, “Screens Shot: Mediating the Interactive Interface”
David Murphy, Ryerson University, “Firmware and the Forensic Imagination: Inside the PlayStation Portable Homebrew Software Production Scene”
Stephanie Boluk, University of California, Davis, and Patrick LeMieux, University of California, Davis, “Hands Free: A History of Alternative Videogame Interfaces”

Immersion and Surveillance in New Screen Modalities

Chair: Fareed Ben-Youssef, New York University Shanghai
Victoria Jeffay, University of California, Berkeley, “Body/Camera: Viewing Raw Footage of Policing through the Lens of Early Film”
Fareed Ben-Youssef, New York University Shanghai, “‘I Saw Him Die!’: Kim Nguyen's Eye on Juliet and the Uncanny Intimacy of the Humanitarian Drone”
Maria Soledad Altrudi, University of Southern California, “Us and Them: A critical reading of Spy in the Wild”
Beth Bird, Independent Scholar, “Carne y Arena: Immersive Post Cinematic Realism”

The End of Queerness: Confronting Queer Loss, Erasure, Disavowal, and Death in Video Games

Chair: Bonnie Ruberg, University of California, Irvine
Josef Nguyen, University of Texas at Dallas, “I Have No Queers, and I Must Speculate”
Teddy Pozo, Brown University, “Queer Erasure, Transformation, and the Disappearing Archive in Video Game Studies”
Amanda Phillips, Georgetown University, “Gaming’s Little Deaths: Disposable Lives and the Perils of Progress”
Bonnie Ruberg, University of California, Irvine, “Performances of Homophobia in Player Videos of Robert Yang’s ‘Gay Sex Games’”

Too Many (Inter)Faces: Aesthetics and Politics of Digital Faces

Chair: Jihoon Kim, Chung-ang University, South Korea
Kriss Ravetto-Biagoli, University of California, Davis, “Becoming the Face: The Politics of Inhabiting Faces”
Jihoon Kim, Chung-ang University, “Post-Postproduction and Too Many Faces: Liquid Identities and the Post-internet Art of the Moving Image”
Kristopher Fallon, University of California, Davis, “Deep Fakes and Shallow Truths: Face Swapping as Radical Critique”
Allan Cameron, University of Auckland, “Dimensions of the Digital Face: Flatness, Contour and the Grid”

What is Stereoscopic 3D?

Chair: Kristen Whissel, University of California, Berkeley
Daniel Morgan, University of Chicago, “Montage between the Eyes: Godard on 3D”
Kristen Whissel University of California, Berkeley, “The Uncanny Spaces of Postwar 3D Cinema”
Brooke Belisle, Stony Brook University, “Digitizing Depth and Invisible Images”

Leon Gurevitch, Victoria University of Wellington, “Complexities and Emergent Visual Grammars of 3D Space across Media

Listening Out: Species, Soundscapes, and the Ethics and Temporalities of Mediated Sound

Chair: Alenda Chang, University of California, Santa Barbara
Alexandra Hui, Mississippi State University, “Calling the Wild: The psychoacoustics and ethics of mimicry in modern duck hunting”
Alenda Chang, University of California, Santa Barbara, “‘Eavesdropping on Ecosystems’: Soundscape Ecology and Nature as Data”
N. Adriana Knouf, Wellesley College, “Vortical Temporalities of Ecological Radio Transmissions”
Owen Marshall, University of California, “Davis, Jitter: Digital Clocking as Audible Media”

Comic Temporalities in East Asian Media

Chair: David Humphrey, Michigan State University
Xinyu Dong, McGill University, “A Cacophony of the Great Depression: Sound Gags in Metropolitan Scenes (1935)”
Evelyn Shih, University of Colorado Boulder, “Funny Noises: Cold War (A)synchronies in Taiwanese and South Korean Film”
Hannah Airriess, University of California, Berkeley, “Laughter Over Tears: White-Collar Labor and Japan’s Postwar Comedy Boom”
David Humphrey, Michigan State University, “Suspended Futures and Closed Out Possibles: Documenting Laughter at History's End”