24 Oct, 2017

Ken Goldberg at Collaborative Robots and Advance Vision Conference

Ken Goldberg, Chair of Engineering at UC Berkeley, will be the keynote speaker at the Collaborative Robots and Advanced Vision conference on Thursday, November 16th, in San Jose. Ken will be discussing the New Wave in Robot Grasping. Ken is Director of the CITRIS "People and Robots" Initiative and the UC Berkeley AUTOLAB where he and his students pursue research in geometric algorithms and machine learning for robotics and automation in surgery, manufacturing, and other applications. Ken developed the first provably complete algorithms for part feeding and part fixturing and the first robot on the Internet. Despite agonizingly slow progress, Ken persists in trying to make robots less clumsy.

At the two day conference, participants explore a range of current advancements in both fields focusing on technology, applications, safety implications, and human impacts. The conference seeks to provide the ignition to participants to think outside the box to solve automation obstacles and stay in the loop about futuristic trends.