14 Apr, 2022

Alex Saum-Pascual in Digital Art During the Pandemic

Digital Art During the Pandemic follows sixteen digital artists’ experiences of the early COVID-19 pandemic throughout the United States, South America, and Europe. Through interviews with each artist, the documentary explores how measures taken to control the pandemic affected their artistic practice, ability to engage collaborators and audiences, daily life, and – most crucially – the subjects of the art they produced. The documentary invites viewers to draw parallels between their experiences of the pandemic and those of the artists’, while immersing them in the artworks that are at the film’s heart.

The pieces featured in the documentary range from visceral expressions of the anxiety brought on by the disease’s volatility to the products of day-to-day rituals done to bring routine and spark reflection at a moment that challenged these. Alex Saum-Pascual's work "Room #3" is feautred, dealing with the body’s problematic relationship to digital infrastructures.

Alex's interview starts from 1:50 to 2:02. She explains her understanding of the digital art in "Room #3", illustrating the "creepy" conflict between people's wish of going outside and the reality of resistance.

To watch the full interview, please visit here!