
Critical Making at UBI Comp

12 Feb, 2019

Critical Making at UBI Comp

BCNM faculty Jill Miller and Eric Paulos, in addition to Georgi V. Georgiev, will be instructors for their workshop "Critical Making: Designing for Activism." The workshop will take place at the 10th International UBI Summer School in Oulu, Finland from June 10-15. Applications close in March 11.

From the website:

In this workshop, students will spend one week developing a prototype for a tool that addresses social change or activism. As designers and artists, we recognize that life has layers and complications, and that we all exist in unique ecosystems (especially when we come from different parts of the world for this one week course). Together we will find common ground and collaborate on projects that are provocative, brave, and meaningful. Using digital fabrication tools, students will brainstorm, design, and prototype a tool of resistance.* Students will choose their theme area and design and build a protest tool to use in a public space. Areas of focus may include: environmental activism, gender equality, animal rights, immigration, democracy, dystopian futures, or other areas selected by students. With design research as a lens, students will envision and create an object or experience that critically explores a socially and culturally relevant issue.

See the website here for a full list of workshops available.