26 Sep, 2017

Fall 2017 Applications Now Open Undergraduate Certificate Program

Undergraduate students are now invited to apply for Fall 2017 admission into the BCNM program.

The Undergraduate Certificate program emphasizes the critical understanding and practice of new media through interdisciplinary perspectives. The certificate introduces students to the changing new media landscape that is transforming the way we think in the fields of art, technology, the humanities, and social sciences. Our students learn to innovate as they question the impact of new media on the human experience. The certificate program will serve as a pilot and a portal for undergraduate engagement in new media. The certificate is not an official program offered by Undergraduate Education and will not be noted on a student’s transcript.

Any UC Berkeley undergraduate student in good standing may apply.


Core Class:

Students should take an undergraduate seminar at NWMEDIA with learning goals that will include new media theory, new media tools, prototyping, evaluation methods, and collaboration methods. Courses that we have offered in the past include an instrument-building studio, a mobile applications development course, a hands-on social practice lab, as well as theoretical seminars.

New Media Engagement:

Help organize and manage a BCNM conference, lecture, hackathon, or workshop. Students will have the opportunity to interact extensively with new media faculty, and will be immersed in the subject. Students can also propose a new media event to the BCNM. These applications will be considered by the Executive Committee.

and either

Enroll in a New Media Graduate-Level course

Students will be challenged to think critically about new media in the graduate-level courses the BCNM offers. They will produce either a design project or a substantial paper depending on the class, showing their thorough appreciation for transformations in new media. Since these courses are intended for graduates, students will need to seek instructor approval to enroll in the class. Currently, the BCNM offers the following graduate courses:

  • NWMEDIA 200 History and Theory of New Media
  • NWMEDIA 201 Questioning New Media
  • NWMEDIA 202 New Media Methods
  • NWMEDIA 203 Critical Making
  • NWMEDIA C262 Tangible User Interfaces
  • NWMEDIA C263 Technologies for Creativity and Learning
  • NWMEDIA C265 Interface Aesthetics
  • NWMEDIA 290 Special Topics in New Media


Produce a final project during an independent study on a new media topic

Students may enroll in an independent study with a BCNM faculty member to produce an extended paper or final project on a new media topic of their choice. Topics must be pre-approved by the BCNM Director. The paper should exhibit the student’s thorough command of new media concepts.

To apply:

Please send your C.V., along with a brief one paragraph mission statement to lara [​at​] berkeley.edu by November 1.