17 Jan, 2013

DataCenter Welcomes Margaret Rhee (BCNM DE) to Board of Directors

For over 33 years, DataCenter has provided information invaluable to the development of movements for progressive social change. Focusing on research justice and participatory methods, DataCenter partners with marginalized communities providing training and resources in research. DataCenter recent community based projects include a ground breaking study with domestic workers Home Economics: The Invisible and Unregulated World of Domestic Work and participatory research with incarcerated youth in collaboration with the organization Justice for Families. Among its many projects, DataCenter partners with the MIT Center for Civic Media on participatory GIS projects and technologies. Based in Oakland, DataCenter celebrates 35 years of research justice this year with a special event “Decolonizing Methodologies” featuring Professor Michelle Fine of CUNY Public Science and Professor Linda Tuhi Smith of University of Waikato. The event will be held in April 2013 and highlights new directions in research justice internationally.

BCNM's Designated Emphasis student Margaret Rhee was recently appointed a member of DataCenter’s Board of Directors based on her new media participatory work From the Center. Focusing on participatory digital storytelling, From the Center provides feminist based HIV/AIDS prevention education for women incarcerated in the San Francisco Jail. Website: www.ourstory.org Rhee’s appointment includes serving as Co - Chair for the forthcoming “Decolonizing Methodologies” event with Professor Andrew Jolivétte of San Francisco State University.

For more information on DataCenter please visit:
