27 Jun, 2018

Eric Paulos at ID KAIST Seminar

Eric Paulos delivered a 2018 seminar at the Department of Industrial Design of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology at 4pm on Thursday, June 28th on "Cosmetic Computing: Towards Personal, Performative, Provocative, and Poetic Wearables."

Eric is known for his collaborative work at the intersection of art, computer science, and design research. His work offers an argument for hybrid materials, methods, and artifacts as strategic tools for insight and innovation within computing culture.

Cosmetic Computing is a catalyst towards an open, playful, and creative expression of individuality through wearable technologies. Leveraging the term “cosmetics”, originally meaning “technique of dress”, his Hybrid Ecologies team envisions how intentionally designed new-wearables, specifically those that integrate with fashionable materials and overlays applied directly atop the skin or body, can (and should) empower individuals towards novel explorations of body and self-expression. Unlike many modern traditional cosmetics that are culturally laden with prescriptive social norms of required usage that are restrictive, sexually binary, and oppressive, Creative Cosmetics offers a new attitude and creative engagement with wearable technologies that can empower individuals with a more personal, playful, performative, and meaningful “technique of dress.”

You'll soon be able to find more details here.