15 Aug, 2022

BCNM at ASA 2022

The 119th American Sociology Association annual meeting took place in Los Angeles on August 5-9. Morgan Ames, danah boyd, and Jen Schradie featured in the program!

Morgan presided over "Ideology, Inequality, and Labor in Tech" in the "Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology" section. This section featured the following presentations: ‘All We See Is Dots’: Aerial Objectivity and Mass Surveillance in Baltimore from Benjamin H Snyder; “Cameras On”: How Schools Reify Social Inequality through Decisions about Online Visibility from Anne Elizabeth Jonas, Michigan State University, Brooke Dinsmore, University of
Virginia, Matt Rafalow, Google, Sarah A Outland, GET Cities, Michael A. Miner, Facebook, Instagram Research, Cassidy
Puckett, Emory University, and Isha Bhallamudi, UC Irvine; Contextualizing AI Ethics: A Socio-Professional Approach from Netta Avnoon, Tel-Aviv University, Dan M Kotliar, University of Haifa, Shira Rivnai Bahir, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; and Disillusionment and Skills-Based Volunteering in the San Francisco Bay Area Tech Sector from Karina Rider, Microsoft Research.

Jen presented "Startup Nation: French Tech and the Welfare State Paradox" in "Exploring the Boundaries of the Welfare State." Her session included the following presentations: Social insurance programs as a method of reducing interregional geographic inequality from Robert Allen Manduca, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Catalina Mariafernanda Anampa Castro, and Analidis Ochoa, University of Michigan; Social Movements and “Social Security:” The Victory of “Qualified Workers,” “Dependents,” and the “Needy” over “Citizens” from Edwin Amenta, University of California-Irvine; Qindian Chen, University of California, Irvine; and Francesca Polletta, University of California-Irvine; The Retirement Income of the Prime Working Aged from Daniel Thompson, U.S. Census Bureau.

Jen also presided over "Ideology, Ideas, and Information in Social Movements" in the section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements. Papers featured included: Ideology, Illustration, and Instruction: Constructing the “New Woman” in Cuba, 1959 to 1969 from Jen Triplett, University of Michigan; Russia’s Immortal Regiment movement and the making of a postSoviet body politic from Olga Shevchenko, Williams College; Science as a Social Movement Resource: The Case of Conversion Therapy Bans from Alex Rose Maresca, University of California Irvine; Transcending Selves and Society: Sufi Mystics, Self-transcendence, and Social Change from Feyza Akova, University of Notre Dame; Tunneling from Alternative Health to Alt-Right: Disinformation Ecosystems and Truth Cultures on Bitchute and Instagram from Maxwell James Grollman, Nicole Iturriaga, University of California-Irvine, Aaron Panofsky, University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, and Kushan Dasgupta, University of California-Los Angeles

danah presided over "Platforms, Visibility, and Power" in the section on "Communication, Information Technologies, and
Media Sociology." The following papers were presented: How Money Matters-Exchange Structures & Sexual Safety in Airbnb & Couchsurfing from Skyler Wang, University of California, Berkeley; From Factory Worker to Digital Influencer: Gender, Labor, and the Manufacture of Digital China from Jun Zhou, University of Michigan Ann Arbor; In the Name of Financial Inclusion: Institutions, Infrastructure, and Ideologies Driving India’s Platformization of Finance from Snigdha Kumar, University of Minnesota; The role of teams in volunteer content moderation on Facebook from Anna Gibson, Stanford University; “Too Soon” To Count? The impact of gender and race on perceived notability from Francesca Tripodi, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Mackenzie Lemieux, and Rebecca Zhang.

You can find the full program here: https://www.asanet.org/sites/default/files/2022_pdf_program.pdf