29 Aug, 2019

Keith Feldman on Racism and Refugees

BCNM is proud to note Executive Committee member Keith Feldman published "Racism and refuge in one hot summer: The importance of comparative ethnic studies" in the Daily Cal. Feldman, associate professor in Ethnic Studies, reflected on the work of Toni Morrison and the role of refuge in American culture.

From the article:

Morrison intimates that pursuing the “how,” by contrast, provides sanctuary, a place to elaborate connections, links and relationships, within and among communities.

This summer’s cascade of racism demands, among other things, such a refuge. One elaboration looks like the following:

Historic forms of human migration catalyzed by the twin emergencies of war and climate are greeted by some with fears of demographic “replacement.” White supremacist violence boomerangs across central Europe, Pittsburgh, New Zealand and San Diego, crystallizing in El Paso, Texas, in a killer whose avowed mission is to wage war against a “Hispanic invasion.”

Read the rest of the article here.