26 Aug, 2016

Announcing the 2016-2017 History and Theory of New Media Season

We are proud to present the 2016-2017 season of the History and Theory of New Media Lecture Series. This year, we are pleased to include hands-on workshops in our program, as well as a partnership with the Rhetoric Department to offer a mini-symposium on the Anthropocene! See our 2016-2017 Lecture Series poster here!

The History and Theory of New Media Lecture Series brings to campus leading humanities scholars working on issues of media transition and technological emergence. The series promotes new, interdisciplinary approaches to questions about the uses, meanings, causes, and effects of rapid or dramatic shifts in techno-infrastructure, information management, and forms of mediated expression. Presented by the Berkeley Center for New Media, this event is free and open to the public.

The History and Theory of New Media series is produced by the Berkeley Center for New Media with support from the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS).


9/29 A Workshop on Network Analysis for Film and Media

with Miriam Posner
5:00-6:30pm | BCNM Comm ons/340 Moffitt Undergraduate Library

Miriam Posner is the Digital Humanities program coordinator and a member of the core DH faculty at the University of California, Los Angeles. As a digital humanist, she is particularly interested in the visualization of large bodies of data from cultural heritage institutions, and the application of digital methods to the analysis of images and video. A film, media, and visual culture scholar by training, she frequently writes on the history of science and technology. She is also a member of the executive council of the Association for Computers and the Humanities.

10/13 & 10/14 Technology, Space, Reason: Infrastructures of Knowledge in the Anthropocene

with Bernard Stiegler | Oct 13 | 5 PM – 6:30 PM | Geballe Room, Townsend Center
with Paul Edwards | Oct 14 | 1:30 PM | 310 Sutardja Dai Hall
with Bernard Stiegler, Paul Edwards, UCB Faculty | Oct 14 | 3 PM | 310 Sutardja Dai Hall

Presented in partnership with the Rhetoric Department

Bernard Stiegler is a philosopher and social activist, Director . He has published some thirty books on philosophy, aesthetics, technology and economy, among other subjects. His most well-known work, Technics and Time, dwells on the social, political and psychological mutations brought about by new technologies. He has taught at the Collège International de Philosophie and directs the Institut de Recherche et Innovation at the Centre Georges Pompidou. He is president of the Ars Industrialis association, which researches the role of technology for proposing a political economy beyond capitalism.

Paul Edwards is a professor at the School of Information and Department of History at the University of Michigan. His research explores the history, politics, and cultural aspects of computers, information infrastructures, and global climate science. The symposium will highlight how to build better knowledge infrastructures for the Anthropocene epoch. Edwards is the co-editor (with Geoffrey C. Bowker) of the Infrastructures book series (MIT Press), and serves on the editorial boards of Big Data & Society: Critical Interdisciplinary Inquiries, Information & Culture: A Journal of History, and Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture, and Society. His most recent book is A Vast Machine: Computer Models, Climate Data, and the Politics of Global Warming (MIT Press, 2010).

11/3 Video Analytics: From Keywords to Keyframes

with Virginia Kuhn
5:00-6:30pm | BCNM Commons/ 340 Moffitt Undergraduate Library

Kuhn is an associate professor in Media Arts + Practice at the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California. Her work centers on the ways in which communication and expression are impacted by digital culture, particularly with the addition to text of sound, images, and interactivity as semiotic resources. Her current research project, The VAT (video analysis tableau) applies computational analysis to the study of moving image media and the Library Machine, which uses a gestural interface to conduct visual search of artists book and other artifacts from Special Collections in the USC Libraries. Most recently, Kuhn co-edited a print-based anthology with Vicki Callahan titled, Future Texts: Subversive Performance and Feminist Bodies (Parlor Press, 2015). Kuhn serves on the editorial boards of Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, PRE/TEXT: A Journal of Rhetorical Theory, and the Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy, [in]Transition, and REFRAME: Research in Media, Film and Music.


03/02 Postcolonial Piracy

with Kavita Philip
5:00-6:30pm | BCNM Commons/ 340 Moffitt Undergraduate Library

Kavita Philip is an Associate Professor in the UCI Department of History. Her research interests are in technology in the developing world; transnational histories of science and technology; gender, race, globalization and postcolonialism; environmental history; and new media theory. Her essays have appeared in the journals Cultural Studies, Postmodern Culture, NMediaC, Radical History Review, and Environment and History. Kavita Philip is author of Civilizing Natures (2003 and 2004), and co-editor of the volumes Constructing Human Rights in the Age of Globalization (with Monshipouri, Englehart, and Nathan, 2003), Multiple Contentions (with Skotnes, 2003), Homeland Securities (with Reilly and Serlin, 2005), and Tactical Biopolitics (with da Costa, 2008). Her work in progress includes a monograph entitled Proper Knowledge, and a co-authored book with Terry Harpold entitled Going Native: Cyberculture and Postcolonialism.

04/13 Technology and Forensic Evidence Chilean Human Rights Investigations

with Eden Medina
5:00-6:30pm | 470 Stephens Hall

Presented in collaboration with CSTMS

Eden Medina is Associate Professor of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University, Bloomington. Her research and teaching address the social, historical, and legal dimensions of our increasingly data-driven world, including the relationship of technology to human rights and free expression, the relationship of political innovation and technological innovation, and the ways that human and political values shape technological design. Medina's writings also use science and technology as a way to broaden understandings of Latin American history and the geography of innovation. She is the author of the prizewinning book Cybernetic Revolutionaries: Technology and Politics in Allende's Chile and the co-editor of Beyond Imported Magic: Essays on Science, Technology and Society in Latin America. Medina is also a Fulbright Senior Specialist in Engineering Education.