12 Jun, 2021

jazmin caldéron torres and between starshine & clay

As an undergraduate, BCNM alum jazmin caldéron torres pursued a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology focusing on Sustainable Environmental Design and Conversation Resource Studies. Their interests revolved around reimagining systems collapse and supporting the construction of tangible alternative future imaginaries. Now as a recent graduate, jazmin has continued doing amazing work. "between starshine & clay", a film in collaboration with their collective Lead to Life and of which jazmin helped produce, premiered on May 27th of this year and was followed by a conversation featuring many of those who worked on the ceremony. The film is a love letter to a nonviolent future, to blackness, to soil and salt, to the power of community ceremony and ritual in honoring our lost loved ones. Work on the film began in January 2019 and February 2020 and features gatherings the collective organized on Ohlone and Coast Miwok land to offer our collective prayer for a world freed from gun violence and state sanctioned violence.

From the Lead to Life team:

Our fight is far from over, and we hope to continue alchemizing alongside all of you until the violence of police and prisons and gun violence ceases to terrorize our communities. May this film inspire you to return to ceremony, the healing power of community, the divinity of black people, and the sacredness of all life. May it give respite and hope to other families mourning their beloved lost ones. And may it enlist even more warriors in our fight to decompose all forms of violence.

Watch the trailer here or below!