17 Mar, 2023 Conference

The Past into the Future: Afrofuturism and Ancient Egypt

with Rita Lucarelli (UC Berkeley), Max Jefferson (UC Berkeley), Ytasha Womack (Chicago), Vorris Nunley (UC Riverside), Darryl Smith (UC Berkeley), John Jennings (UC Riverside), Stanford Carpenter (University of Chicago), Claudia Attimonelli (University of Bari, Italy), Dexter Story (UCLA), Luciana Parisi (Duke University), Abu Qadim Haqq, and more.  

Presented by Center of Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) with the support of the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA), Center for Science, Technology, Medicine and Society (CSTMS), the Berkeley Center for New Media (BCNM), the Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures (MELC), and the Italian Institute of Culture, San Francisco. Read more

12 Sep, 2022 Commons Conversations

Body Language: Sick and Disabled Crazy Femmes in Conversation

with Ra Malika Imhotep
Black feminist writer, performance artist, and scholar

and Caleb Luna
Artist and public scholar

Moderated by Miyuki Baker

with an introduction from BCNM's Director Gail De Kosnik

Co-presented with the Color of New Media Working Group and co-sponsored by the Arts Research Center, the Department of English, the Department of Ethnic Studies, the Department of Gender and Women's Studies, the Center for Race and Gender, and Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies Read more