14 Nov, 2016

Grace Gipson as "Doctor of Comic Books"

Lashon Daley, author, podcaster and Ph.D student with Designated Emphasis in New Media, featured Grace Gipson, also a BCNM Designated Emphasis student, on her podcast Stories&Slams!

Grace Gipson reminisces about the moment her passion for comic books began and how she became a “Doctor of Comic Books."

"[Grace] is an Afro-futurist scholar by day and a fly, fly, fly superhero by night and today she's going to tell us how she became a comic book enthusiast!"

Listen to the podcast here!

Lashon Daley:

Lashon is a PhD scholar in Performance Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. Her research focuses on the performances of Brer Rabbit tales within U.S. culture. She holds an MFA in Writing from Sarah Lawrence College (2008) and an MA in Folklore (2015) from UC Berkeley.

As a writer, songwriter, and spoken word poet Lashon has performed in various cities around the country including venues in Berkeley, Miami, New Orleans, and New York. Although fiction is her dominant genre, creative non-fiction, poetry, journalism, and children’s literature are all a growing part of her literary repertoire. Mr. Okra Sells Fresh Fruits and Vegetables is her first children’s book. Lashon is also the creator of Stories&Slams, a platform to share and discuss storytelling and spoken word poetry.

Grace Gipson

Grace is currently a PhD scholar in African American/African Diaspora studies at UC Berkeley. She is also an excellent Graduate Student Instructor in Abigail De Kosnik's Making Sense of Cultural Data seminar. Grace earned her in BA in Psychology and Biology from Clark Atlanta University where she graduated magna cum laude. Grace also received her MA in African American Studies at Georgia State University in May 2013.

Her area of research interests include (mis)representations of race and gender within black popular culture specifically in comic books and film, gender and sexuality, and performances of blackness. She is also a regular film and pop culture blog contributor for the sites Black Girl Nerds and Medium Rare TV, as well as her own blog Black Savant Cinema.