17 Oct, 2016

Announcing the BCNM Conference Grant Recipients!

Each of the following students have received funding to help defray the costs of presenting their research at the premiere conferences in their fields! We're thrilled to be supporting our graduates as they travel across the globe to share their scholarship.

Ritwik Banerji - Ph.D. Candidate in Ethnomusicology - for the International Computer Music Conference in Utretcht, Netherlands, to present a paper, “Balancing Defiance and Cooperation: The Design and Human Critique of a Virtual Free Improviser.”

Bélgica del Río - PhD Student in Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies - for the American Society for Theater Research (ASTR) as part of a group presenting on Video Games and Gaming: Towards a Transmedial Analysis, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Her paper is "The Performance of Avatars in Video Games and Motion/Performance Capture".

Juliana Friend - PhD student in Anthropology, DE in New Media - for 59th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association: "Imagining Africa at the Center: Bridging Scholarship, Policy, and Representation in African Studies" in Washington, DC. Her paper is "Cure/Contagion: Redefining the “health” in public health through online gay activism in Senegal."

Grace D. Gipson - Doctoral student in African American and African Diaspora Studies - for the Superhero Identities Symposium at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, in Melbourne Australia. She'll be presenting "Road to Recovery: Fighting through Trauma and Abuse in Netflix’s Jessica Jones series"

Jennifer Higgs - Doctoral student in Education - for the Digital Media and Learning Conference, in Irvine, California.

​Cesar Torres - PhD student in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science - for the User Interface Software and Technology Symposium, in Tokyo, Japan. His paper is "Ellustrate: Designing, Sketching, and Fabricating Circuits through Digital Exploration."

Congratulations to all of our recipients! We expect great things from all of them - and are enthused to support such great research and academic achievement!