04 Nov, 2016

Grace Gipson at >Play Conference

Grace Gipson, doctoral student in African American and African Diaspora Studies, presented at >Play Conference 2016, on Friday November 4th, 2016.

>play is the largest student-run digital media and technology conference. It's hosted by the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business. The keynote speaker this year was Adrienne McCallister, the Director of Partnerships for AR/VR at Google.The theme this year's Digital Media and Technology Conference was "How On-Demand Culture is Changing Digital Media and Technology."

Gipson presented "New Media, New Voices: The Democratizing Power of Podcasts, Youtube, and Other Channels." New media has transformed the process of how content gets created, published, distributed and consumed. New Media, New Voices brings together makers and business people to discuss current and future phenomena that are altering the relationships between suits, creatives, and fans, and enabling a fresh crop of voices to be heard.

Gipson's area of research interests include (mis)representations of race and gender within black popular culture specifically in comic books and film, gender and sexuality, and performances of blackness.

Photo Credit to >Play Website