23 Jan, 2018

Alum Ng Bringing Diversity to the Carillon at Michigan

Alum Tiffany Ng featured in "The invisible musician: carillonists at Michigan," by Sam Lu in The Michigan Daily. The article discusses Ng's work with the belltower.

From the article:

The passage opens up into a cavity that feels perplexingly indoor and outdoor at the same time. Wind whips through the metal grilles that line the space, which allow for a beautifully panoramic view of downtown Ann Arbor. Overhead, the bells loom, humongous and impossibly close. At the center of the chamber sits Assistant Professor of Carillon Tiffany Ng, her hands moving deftly and precisely as she plays the pedals and keys that power the Charles Baird carillon, each note clear and strong.

Ng is one of a growing population of carillonists in North America, and the carillon housed right here in Burton tower is actually the fourth heaviest in the world... Perhaps most impressive about Ng’s legacy as a carillonist are her efforts to introduce variety into a genre where little exists. Because the carillon was developed mainly for Western Christianity, most of the published repertoire focuses on a very homogeneous audience, which has become more of a problem as the instrument has spread outside of its European roots.

“Eventually, my goal is that everyone on campus, regardless of their background, should get to hear music that reflects their identity at some point,” Ng said.

Read the rest of the article and more from The Michigan here.