21 Jun, 2017

Summer 2018 Course Proposals Open!

We are now accepting proposals for New Media courses that can be taught in the summer session of 2018! Please remember that summer session courses must be self-sufficient, so the enrollment must be high enough to make the course viable. For this reason, we are especially interested in courses with broad appeal that are capable of filling breadth requirements. Check out the great courses our students had on offer this year for ideas!

Not only does summer teaching provide a valuable funding opportunity, it's also a rewarding and fun learning experience!

From Chris Goetz: "Teaching a BCNM summer class was an awesome opportunity to design a brand new course unlike anything else offered on campus."

From Kyle Booten: "BCNM is about crossing disciplinary boundaries, and designing a digital poetry class for Summer Sessions has provided me a opportunity to combine technology and the arts in ways that have pushed forward my own thinking."

If you are interested in teaching a NWMEDIA course, please send Lara Wolfe a class description by August 22, 2017 at lara [​at​] berkeley.edu. If selected, you will be employed as a GSI for a special topics course, and will work in conjunction with the Director of BCNM to tailor your section's syllabus appropriately.

Thank you, and we look forward to hearing your proposals!