26 Jan, 2023

Indigenous Technologies Coordinator Sierra Edd Featured in Berkeley News

(Photo by Brittany Hosea-Small)

Sierra Edd is a fifth-year graduate student in the Department of Ethnic Studies at UC Berkeley and the Berkeley Center for New Media's Indigenous Technologies Coordinator. Berkeley News featured her first-person narrative, focussing on her journey.

From the feature:

It wasn’t until graduate school that I considered music as a space to learn and emphasize with scholarly research that left me often feeling disillusioned. As I learned more about the fields of sound studies and ethnomusicology, I realized these fields, like visual art and photography, originated from a Western lens. I think this context is really important for how certain Indigenous artists make music today — because they’re doing it for themselves, rather than being concerned with making their culture palatable.

To read the full interview, please visit this site!