29 Nov, 2022

Announcing Our Spring 2023 Class Fund Recipients

We’re thrilled to be able to offer small grants to further support our faculty in their new media classes.

In Spring 2023, we are able to support four BCNM faculty and their respective classes: Alex Saum-Pascual's "Digital Literature in the Iberoamerican World: Exploring Virtual and Material Networks", Rita Lucarelli's "Digital Humanities and Egyptology (MELC)", Dan O'Neill's Graduate Seminar: "War and Media", and Jill Miller and Asma Kazmi's "Experimental Art Studio".

These funds are being used in a multitude of ways to enrich the course experience. For Alex, the funds will be used to purchase tickets for Iñárritu's VR experience, Carne y Arena, which is coming to Richmond. Meanwhile, Rita and Dan are using the grant to invite domain-expert speakers to visit their classes. Jill and Asma will utilize the funds to both invite speakers from Midjourney and pay for a one year group license.