BCNM in 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics
We're so pleased to see a slate of BCNM faculty and alumni recognized in Women in AI Ethics' list of 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics! The Women in AI Ethics™ (WAIE) is a global initiative with a mission to increase recognition, representation, and empowerment of women in AI Ethics. This initiative started with the first 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics™ list in 2018, which is now published annually to recognize rising stars as well as pioneers in this space.
Congratulations to our faculty Jenna Burrell, Director of Research at Data & Society and Professor at the School of Information, and Morgan Ames, Assistant Professor of Practice at the School of Information and Associate Director of the Center for Science, Technology, Medicine and Society; and our alumni danah boyd, Partner Researcher at Microsoft Research, founder of Data & Society and Distinguished Visiting Professor at Georgetown, and Michelle Carney, user experience researcher at Google and Lecturer at Stanford!
Read the full list here!