Whiteness as Improvisation, Non-Whiteness as Machine by Ritwik Banerji
Alum Ritwik Banerji published Whiteness as Improvisation, Non-Whiteness as Machine in the latest issue of Jazz & Culture,an annual publication devoted to publishing cutting-edge research on jazz from multiple perspectives. Founded on the principle that both scholars and musicians offer invaluable contributions, the journal juxtaposes groundbreaking work by researchers alongside oral histories and articles written by master artists in the field.
From the article:
What's the meaning of the purported difference between "free jazz" and "free improvisation"? While some suggest that these two terms demarcate two distinct, if closely related, musical practices, George E. Lewis demonstrates the distinction does far less to clarify stylistic difference than it does to implicitly associate the term "free improvisation" with postracial whiteness and reinforce a racialized hierarchy within postwar experimental music.
Read the article here.