21 Nov, 2021

Wendy Lotterman Reviews the Distance Cure in Critical Inquiry

BCNM faculty Hannah Zeavin's The Distance Cure: A History of Teletherapy was reviewed by Wendy Lotterman in Critical Inquiry!

From the review:

The adjacent world of clinical discourse is also in gridlock: classical Freudian psychoanalysis has resisted radical alterations to form, a muted third within the classic dyadic scene. And yet, the very attachment to a traditional form—or frame, as it is called by practitioners—is proof of a medium. This is where Hannah Zeavin begins her lucid study in The Distance Cure: A History of Teletherapy. Through carefully demonstrating that mediated therapy is as old as the talking cure itself, Zeavin allows for a more expansive (and less threatened) history of what she calls “the distance cure.”

Check out the full review here!