14 Sep, 2021

Edgar Fabián Frías Featured in Frame by Frame

Current MFA Candidate Edgar Fabián Frías was recently published in Frame by Frame, a first-of-its-kind GIF-based book. GIPHY launched the physical book with the theme "Be Animated," as its guiding principle. Speaking about the project, Frias stated, “The art I created for this book is a potent blend of Indigenous Futurism and Queer Mutant Magick!”

Edgar Fabián Frías is a nonbinary, queer, indigenous (Wixárika), and Latinx, multidisciplinary artist, curator, educator, and psychotherapist. They work in photography, video art, sound, sculpture, printed textiles, GIFs, performance, social practice, and community organizing, among other forms.

From the article:

The book features 35 all new commissions from a range of artists that represents GIPHY’s artist directory. It’s a group as diverse and varied as their preferred materials: flipping through the pages reveals a vibrant and diverse world of claymation, cel animation, computer renders, photographic portraits and more. All of which are united by a love for the animated GIF.The book is a substantial addition to collections of art and design books, perfect for those interested in contemporary animation, innovative publishing and people who love neon green coils.

To read the full article, click here!